Feeling Frustrated in Your Interactions with Men?

If you:

  • Want to feel confident and sure of yourself around men wherever you go...
  • Are tired and frustrated from being alone every night...
  • Have spent lots of time (and possibly money) trying out theories that friends and other so-called experts have given you, but have had limited results...
  • Are frustrated about how much hard painstaking work you've put into attracting men--all for nothing...

Put an end to your frustrations now! Visit my website on How to Be Irresistible to Men and get the solution to your dating problems!

Contest Winners!

Friday, October 26, 2007

posted by amy

Wow, I’ve had so much fun reading your answers on what makes a woman attractive to a man!  There were some really great responses, including a woman’s smile, her femininity, happiness, sense of humor, fun, looks, warmth, playfulness, approachability, authenticity, emotional maturity, and her ability to make her man feel good.

Here’s just a few of the many amazing answers.

Gianna tells us that it’s HAPPINESS.

"It says confidence, warmth, success, and that she enjoys being with him. The feelings she makes him feel will be what attracts him."

Joanie tells us that it’s being LOVING.

"It’s the inner joy/happiness radiating outward. That she is in love with life, herself, capable of being open and loving with other people.  People who are in love are beautiful and attractive."

Edyta tells us that it’s FEMININITY.

"I think that the most desired (by men) quality in a woman would be her feminine personality… Why? Because it "contains" everything what a man is looking for in a woman and life – something opposite to him, something complementing him – her warmth, caring, vulnerability, feelings."

Sigi Weiss tells us that it’s being COMFORTABLE IN OUR OWN SKINS.

"I think a man will find a woman who loves herself and is comfortable in her own skin – regardless of her dress size or if she fits the beauty standards of our society – to be very sexy, magnetic and irresistible!!"

Rose tells us that it’s LIKING MEN.

"I believe the single most attractive quality that men look for in a woman is that she genuinely likes men. She may not be the most confident, smart or most beautiful woman in the room but if she likes and respects men they will sense it. Women who don’t like men often appear closed and guarded. Pull down those walls and the men will come!"

Now, all of these are fantastic answers, and I do believe that every single factor that you all wrote in with plays a part in attracting men!

But the correct answer — at least according to our research — is Self-Confidence.

The way you feel about yourself sets the standard for how HE will feel about you!  Your self-confidence will affect how you move, how you smile, how comfortable you are in your own skin, how you present yourself, and how comfortable you are as a woman.  A self-confident woman is choosy as well.  She doesn’t date just anyone — nor would she want to!

There is something inherently more challenging to men about trying to seduce a woman who has great self-esteem.  A woman with low self-esteem will accept men who treat her badly simply because she wants to be loved.  We all want to be loved, but a self-confident woman knows that the first place to find love is inside herself.

Here’s what the 5 winners of our competition had to say:

MIA was the first person who answered "self-confidence," and she said:

"I think men find confidence sexy because if a woman is already a full complete person, they do not feel as if they have to fill her up. It’s less work for them and men do not like to put the work into a relationship, so a good woman, who is smart, independent and knows who she is can be an asset."

CYN emphasizes that without confidence, not even looks will help you get the man!

"Confidence without a doubt.




Great smile, great eyes, sense of humor, great figure or any part of that figure is a big zero – it might get you a second look, but it won’t mean a thing without confidence."

I absolutely loved what JANICE told us:

"Confidence looks sexy on everybody!"

ANNA has a beautiful comment to make about the kind of confidence we’re talking about.

"Men want the same things we want really, unwavering confidence and certain vulnerability at the same time. They want to be proud of themselves for being with us and they want to be proud us too. Those of us who manage to find the balance between these things tend to lead happier love lives."

Lastly, SAIMA makes a fantastic point about confidence.  It keeps us from worrying!

"There is NOTHING more beautiful on a woman than CONFIDENCE!!! Only when a woman is happy with who she is will she be able to enjoy the company of others. A woman who isn’t confident with herself is too busy worrying about too many things to notice the wonderful man across from her."

These five winners have just been sent their own free copy of our newest e-book.  If you’re one of them, check your inbox right now!

For everyone else who is wondering what was the prize? And what is our upcoming new product… All will be revealed very shortly!!

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