How to Attract Women Secrets Revealed!

I have created the ultimate course to help men attract the women of their dreams. It took me several months, years of in-the-field "practice," and hours of work to produce a package that helps men discover the power within themselves to literally attract any woman they want. And now I am ready to share with YOU.

You can literally download the entire package--your e-book, six bonus books, audio and video course, and free members consultation--and be reading it within
minutes. Take the two seconds it requires to get amazing attraction results. Why not get the women you want today?

It's YOUR turn!

Competition Winners!

Friday, October 26, 2007

posted by james

Wow, it seems like a lot of you out there really know your stuff! There were some really great answers.

BRUCE tells us that it’s:

"Confidence, A sense of self, and a sense of Humor. But also being comfortable and protected with a sense of sexual value that is what I have seen with most women.”

In VINCE’S view it’s:

"Yeah, confidence, really.  It’s not about trying to get the women either, it’s all about enjoying yourself cuz ur the most important person, the man who will stand up for what he believes in."

And KEVIN is easy to please:

"Someone confident with a nice pair of shoes"

And it shouldn’t surprise you that the correct answer (at least according to our research) is Self Confidence.

Sure, looks and money can draw a woman’s eye, but self-confidence — the way you move and hold yourself — is what makes the biggest difference as to how attractive to women you are.

Yes, there are other factors, but we’re looking at the most significant factor.

It’s that whole notion of people wanting what they can’t have. A self-confident guy finds it easy to be the alpha male.  He knows the kind of girl he wants and won’t settle for just any babe who’s interested.  He’s at the top of the heap, status-speaking.

Here’s what the winners of our competition had to say:

SAM says:

"i think the single most important quality girls look for in a man is confidence and charisma!! With confidence they feel comfortable around the guy.  Women love guys with confidence cos it`s sexy to them and they like that."

HUNTER B has this to say:

"Well this is actually quite simple more often than not women are attracted to confidence in a man. Most successful guys have this down and when they approach women they make it seem as if they don’t need the women but that they are good enough by themselves and women eat that up."

TYLER is looking for confidence.

"Confidence in who you are and where you are going is number one. If you can show a woman that you know who you are and have a plan they see a guy who is strong. It shows you can support them without needing a kick in the ass. Confidence is the number one key to impressing anyone. A fumbling idiot who hates himself is never going to sell me a car, but a confident energetic salesman can sell anything. Lots of money works until they see the arrogance, looks work until they see nothing else, and game works for the first little bit until they want to know more. Confidence leads all else."

DAVE says:

“Self confidence is the most sought after quality in men, from a woman’s perspective.”

And DC echoes:


So, if you are one of the above winners, an email has been sent to the email address you provided when you posted your comment, containing your prize!

For everyone else who is wondering what was the prize? And what is our upcoming new product… All will be revealed very shortly!!

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A Final Thought from Me...

What if I said there was a way to always get the girls you want, just by picking up a book? You'd try that book, wouldn't you?

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