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Different Strokes…of Genius

Ever heard of Chanel?  The monster perfume and cosmetics brand?  Its founder said something fascinating: "In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different."

You don’t create value by being like everyone else, by doing things everyone EXPECTS you to do. 

You become extraordinary by doing things that AREN’T ordinary.  Just ask the guy Marie-Claire Magazine calls "The World’s Greatest Pickup Artist".

The first time I heard of him was when I read Neil Strauss’s The Game [1].  He sounded like a true character, a man larger than a life, a guy who lived for the spotlight.  And who truly enjoyed the company of women.  I wasn’t sure his stuff could work; it sounded so out there, so crazy, so…unique.

Kind of like the man himself.

Yup, Mystery [2] really is just that.  He’s unusual.  He’s controversial.  And he’s one of a kind.  Remember my lesson on doing the unexpected?  Going against the grain?  Surprising women?  Mystery does all that.  And that, along with so many other reasons, is why HE gets the girls.  He doesn’t do "conventional".  Not even part of his vocabulary.

So is it any wonder girls love him? 

It really does pay to be different.  Look at all the things Mystery does that are counter-intuitive–the opposite of what we men normally do, and women normally expect.  Normally, we men just go up to a girl and start talking.  We don’t project value. 

But not Mystery.  He doesn’t go for normal routines.  He shows girls he’s worth being around by demonstrating his talent, via magic tricks and illusions.  Stuff that most people can’t do…or don’t bother to do.  Most guys think their looks and machismo will get them girls, but most of the times, it doesn’t. 

Mystery isn’t most guys.  What 95% of the guys–the "majority"–don’t do, he does.  So what if it makes him part of the minority?  The minority win!

A lot of guys show their interest in women right away.  They fawn over a hot girl, and stay around way longer than they should.  But Mystery, as always, does the opposite: through his "negs" and Artificial Time Constraints, he limits the amount of interest he shows (even going so far as to tease and ridicule girls) and the limit of time he spends around them.  As this is the opposite of what girls expect, it’s no wonder they themselves fawn over Mystery!

And there’s more: Most of us let our lack of Hollywood looks get to us.  Not Mystery.  He knows he’s not great looking, and celebrates it.  He paints his nails.  Wears platform shoes.  Doesn’t style his hair like all the metro’s out there.  In other words, he does the opposite of what girls expect.  And when you go against what a girl’s brain expects, you literally create chemistry between you–her brain sends out chemicals that are pleasing.  She releases pheromones.  In other words, SHE BECOMES ATTRACTED TO YOU.

All because you were different.  And in being different, you become irreplaceable.  Just like Chanel…and just like Mystery [2].

Just listen to his students.  For those of you who heard the newsletter interview with my good friend Mechanic, his students will testify to the greatness of Mystery’s patented "Mystery Method [3]" greatness.  The guy teaches you in person, in "the field" (ie, bars and clubs with lots of women), how to approach, converse, and flirt with women.  He’ll get you from the point of first meeting to the point of physical contact, in just 7 hours–sometimes less.  As dubious as this might sound, my friend Mechanic, and so many other guys, have testified to its verity.  It’s completely different than anything else they’ve learned–and that’s why it works.

So what can we get out of this?  There IS hope out there for all of us: the shy, the fearful, the ones who are worried that we’re "not like everyone else".  The guy who will teach you how to get the women you want, isn’t like everyone either.  He’s unconventional.  Unique.  Not the same old, same old.

But then, when has being the same old, same old gotten people like Mystery [2] anywhere?