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Secrets to Creating Love for Women over 30

It’s finally here!

I walked into the office this morning and saw a big cardboard box on the floor.  Not recognizing the return address, I ripped it open and discovered…

Secrets to Creating Love for Women over 30…that the first copies of our newest DVD release, "Secrets to Creating Love for Women over 30 [1]," have arrived!  We have been eagerly awaiting these DVDs from the printers and now we have them to offer to you.

This gorgeous 3-DVD set plus CD ROM contains top-secret information for women who are embracing dating into their 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond.


If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, then you’re ready for "Secrets to Creating Love for Women over 30 [1]"!


So how is this DVD series unique?

Unlike other courses out there, our DVD series starts with a completely different assumption: that you’re past the stage where you need to be told what to wear and what to say and how many days to wait before accepting a date.

In our course, we focus on mature relationships for those who are emotionally evolved.

I don’t need to tell you that there’s a big difference between an 18-year-old and a 40-year-old.  But what you may not realize is that if you are using techniques that are designed for 18-year-olds, you’ll find that you attract men with the minds of 18-year-olds.  (Discover why in "How to Be Irresistible to Men"!)

Lip gloss and boob tubes simply won’t do it when it comes to creating a conscious, committed, and loving relationship.

What you need is a course that specifically addresses your challenges as a woman who is mature, experienced, and more discriminating when it comes to men.

If you…

…then "Secrets to Creating Love for Women over 30" is the course that you cannot miss!!  It’s packed full of mind-blowing insights and crucial tips for the women who knows that manicures and makeovers are just temporary solutions to the long-term aspiration of sharing real love.


We couldn’t have created this DVD series if it weren’t for you, our valued customers and newsletter subscribers!

You wrote to us saying that you wanted information specific to your situation.

You wanted insights that reflected where you were as women who had been married before, or were dating older men, or felt like you were competing with younger women.

There are plenty of online dating sites for over 30s, but very little dating advice for the particular challenges women face as they mature.  In fact, some books suggested that as women enter their 40s, their greater experience, self-knowledge, and confidence makes dating liberating, easy, and tons of fun!

Is dating easier as you get older?  For some women, this may be true.  But for others, the process of dating becomes more and more discouraging.  There are fewer single men, and the single men that these women do meet seem to be that way for a reason.  Work commitment, financial pressures, and family compete for time.  The socializing opportunities available for the younger crowd are no longer available.

Luckily, something happened to change our minds about the dating opportunities available for women over 30.  We met someone who would change our lives forever.

I co-hosted a seminar last December with Sarah Paul on "Advanced Dating Techniques for Women," and one of our guest speakers was a motivational speaker and success coach.  Sue co-presented discussions on "Healthy Relationships" and "Achieving Ultimate Self-Confidence" with clinical psychologist Richard Wheeler.  (And if you’re already purchased "How to Be Irresistible to Men," you will get these videos free with your membership! They’re in the Events Section of the Members Area.)

Meeting Sue was a watershed that not only changed the direction of our research but also ourselves personally.  The insights she shared with us transformed our understanding of what was possible for ourselves and our course.

And now we’re going to share that information with you!

One of the reasons that our message is so powerful is that we do not believe that success is a matter of luck.  If you’re waiting for luck to bring you the right man, or if you’re waiting for a miracle to happen, then you’ll keep waiting forever.

Don’t get caught settling for a ho-hum relationship because you don’t think anything better is possible for you.  Use our advice to learn what you can create in your lifetime.  We’ll show you how to take charge of your love life and start creating the relationship you always dreamed about today.


Secrets to Creating Love for Women over 30"Secrets to Creating Love for Women over 30 [1]" co-stars myself and colleague Andrew Rusbatch from Save My Marriage Today!  We discuss what we’ve learned in our years as experts in the field: the particular challenges that women over 30 face in finding relationships – and how to overcome them, how to understand elite men (the kind who’ll be a real catch), how to know if a man’s right for you, and how to attract real, lasting love into your life no matter how many broken relationships you’ve had in the past.

Here’s a sample of the secrets you’ll find in our DVD series:


This 3-hour DVD series is now on sale. [1]   It is only available as a 3-DVD pack plus CD ROM, which we’ll ship straight to your door.  It makes the perfect gift for yourself this holiday season.

Don’t get discouraged.  Be inspired!  Discover the secrets of creating love whether you’re in your 30s, 40s, 50s, or beyond. [1]  

I’ll be in touch soon!