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Introducing James

I’m heading out for two weeks vacation this Friday, so for the next few weeks you’re going to have a guest writer!  James B. is part of the 000Relationships Network [1].  He’s a fantastic guy who’s seen both sides of the dating fence: he’s been single, and now he’s engaged to a lovely young woman.  He’ll give you insights into the male perspective by telling you a little bit about his experiences and what he finds irresistible about women.

I’ll be back June 13 with stories about my adventures overseas!  I’m heading to South America.  Last time I was there, I missed visiting the rain forest, so that’s my goal for this trip.  I’ve got my malaria pills, insect repellent and sunscreen.  Sadly, it’s the rainy season, but perhaps I’ll get a bit of a bronzed glow.

I’ll chat with you all again in a few weeks!