WARNING: Abandon Everything You Thought You Knew About Attracting The Man And Relationship Of Your Dreams!!

Over the next 6 days you're going to discover powerful secrets to attract men who're ready to emotionally commit and have eyes for only you - or spice up a relationship you already have! (Yours FREE!)

Save My Marriage Today Mini-Course
In our Free 6 part Attract Men Email Mini Course, you'll discover:
Part 1: The Three Stages of Seduction - and the secret to your seduction power!
Part 2: Attraction Ain't Love - the differences between different types of love, and the secret to getting the real thing!
Part 3: Practicing Love - understanding what dating's all about and how to think your way to success!
Part 4: Attraction Killers - getting a grip on your expectations and how to find great men!
Part 5: Opening to New Possibilities - learning to love and accept yourself!

Part 6: Become a New You - the top 10 techniques for putting it all into practice!

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Here are just a few of the many success letters that we receive every day:

"My best friend has seen how hard it has been for me to get involved in a new relationship since I broke up with my ex a while ago, so that's why she signed me up for your free course. I've been telling her this was the best Christmas present anyone has ever given to me! Your course helped me realize that even though I don't hold any hard feelings towards my ex ... I do have A LOT of negative thoughts and reactions that are the result of that bad relationship.

So that's why today, being the last day of the year, I've decided to change completely, follow all your advice, I already bought the whole course, and I am sure my love life will be just as I want it to be next year! Thank you so much for this new, real and healthy way of seeing relationships! I'm sooo tired of the old stuff!"
-- Tania R.(Mexico)


"I love your smile!  I really liked your 6 day course.  I have looked at various self-help dating material lately, and I liked it that your course is written with a lot of kindness and warmth towards women, and genuine caring. Thanks for putting it all together so nicely.  I printed out the 6 day course and will come back to it.  I would say it condenses everything a woman needs to know about dating and relationships today."


"I had just about despaired in finding someone who could help me sort through relationship issues without getting me to behave like a manipulating woman.

I love the fact that it's more about developing yourself as a person rather than just getting a man. My real problem was that I was uncomfortable with all the attention from men and would then become standoffish. As a consequence I was continuously attracting men looking for a prize and not a relationship.

I tried some of the exercises recently and immediately noticed the different calibre of people who were attracted to my company. Absolutely marvellous!!!! Love it! Thank you."
-- Rongo M. (New Zealand)


"Dear Amy, Thank you so very much!! You are amazing....I mean it!! Never had I thought of love in this way before, you opened up my eyes. After reading your articles and going through the exercises I realised I was doing all the wrong things to find true love. One line in your course still comes to mind...My greatest power as a woman lies in my ability to love freely, openly and generously - Not in my ability to be the object of men's desires!!

I AM A NEW PERSON. Amy, keep up the good work....be assured that we appreciate it alot for it is life changing. I smile at almost everyone now and am more lighthearted towards guys and I dont label them all cheaters!! I've made lots of new friends...girls too, and I feel great about the new me. Friends have even commented on this and ive recommended they try you out...your a winner Amy."
-- SCL (Tanzania)


"Dear Amy, After an internet search for dating protocol I luckily found your site. Two others did not offer as much practical and freely offered advice. Yours was straight-forward, honest and not filled with coy game playing or seduction games to "catch" men or "keep" men as other sites I had read were filled with. Those sites were off-putting and to me appeared to be a false way of developing honest and healthy and rewarding relationships.

Your message is one of personal self-awareness, and the first and most important thing in life is what I found in your messages and that is to like oneself. For if one values oneself, with that one can radiate all kinds of positive and loving energy. I read your mini-course lessons and found them most valuable, and I learned quite a bit from them. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with me. You have obviously put much thought and research into this to be able to offer such worthwhile advice."
--Mary-Ann M. (Toronto)


"I really enjoyed your 6 day mini course. Thank you for being honest about all those self-help books out there! I read some of "The Rules", "Men Are From Mars," etc. I stopped reading books because I felt like they all had the same slant - that men were stupid and could be trained to your liking. I think it's insulting to them and it's foolish to think anyone can be "trained" or changed. The only person you can change is yourself. A man has to love me for me.

I've been with my current boyfriend for over a year now. I'm looking for ways to increase intimacy because I haven't been able to sustain a long-term relationship in a long time. After a lot of therapy, it seems I have attracted my soul mate! We have a lot in common and we're very comfortable with each other. Thank you for putting your mini course out there."
--Alison Taylor.

MeetYourSweet Mini CourseWho else wants to put themselves on the fast track to personal and relationship success as we take you through some of the attract men fundamentals you MUST know?

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(courtesy of How to Be Irresistible to Men)

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