Attract Men with Make Every Man Want You More

"Who Else Wants to Know An Attraction
Switch So Powerful
It Can Transform Your Life in An Instant?"

You're About to Discover How to Eliminate the Confusion of
How to Act Around Men, What To Say, What to do...

IMAGINE... Complete Relief from Confusion, Frustration and Anxiety Around Men
and Relationships!

From: Marie Forleo
Date: April 01, 2024

Dear Friend,

Are you wondering why you're still playing the dating game?

Tired of all the "back and forth" in your existing relationship?

As you're reading this right now, take a moment and imagine what it would be like to NEVER have to worry about dating and relationships.

Imagine you don't have to worry about where you'll meet the "perfect" man, how you'll attract him, or how you'll make your relationship last.

Sound too good to be true?

It's not.

Those relationship games with all their accompanying heartbreaks and mistakes can be gone forever soon as you make just a few "inner shifts" that will radically transform how you experience men, dating and relationships for the rest of your life.

Building on the wild success of my book Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You'll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself! and due to the overwhelming demand for more, I'm thrilled to tell you about my new program.

But before I do, I want to share something important.

I know exactly how frustrating love and
relationships can be....

Seven years ago, after a broken engagement, I found myself alone, upset and totally confused about love and relationships.

After all, I was attractive, smart, funny and had done a lot of "work" on myself.

While I often put on a happy face, deep inside, I was scared that I'd never be able to find that special someone I could share my life with - and have it at last.

No matter what tips or techniques I'd try, I just kept having the same recurring relationship problems over and over again, just with different men.

(Can you relate?)

Finally I decided enough was enough. I was determined to get this part of my life handled and spent a tremendous amount of time, energy and personal investment to figure out exactly what it takes to have relationships that really work.

Thankfully, I found my relationship answer... and so much more.

I discovered what I now refer to as the "missing link." This transformational wisdom had nothing to learning new tricks, new things to "say" or "do", but everything to do my own "personal relationship operating system."

Basically, I was like a sick computer that desperately needed a system upgrade!

To use a computer analogy, I had loads of outdated “love software” and hidden, mechanical “relationship viruses” that corrupted my ability to have the satisfying relationships with men I deserved.

My mind was filled with misinformation and toxic behavioral patterns from my past that I couldn't even see.

But once I made this simple, yet powerful shift, I got a much-needed personal operating system upgrade.

This launched an avalanche of good fortune that's is still taking place this very day.  (And no…it’s not the Law of Attraction.)

It’s no surprise that shortly after I discovered the secret I am about to share with YOU, I attracted my soul mate and launched into the relationship (and life) of my dreams.

Which brings me to what I want to share with you today.

After thousands of women around the world began transforming their relationships (and their lives) from my groundbreaking book Make Every Man Want You - the demand for more “advanced, deeper wisdom” came barreling in.

I received hundreds of REAL questions from REAL women just like YOU about how to integrate my philosophy of presence, well-being and full engagement into their busy and complicated lives.

So I teamed up with my friend and fellow relationship author Amy Waterman, to deliver a powerful “tell-it-like-it-is” multimedia program to help you deepen your mastery of the Make Every Man Want You approach and give you even more advanced strategies and real, down-to-earth training to help you become the brilliant woman you are meant to be.

REVEALED: A Simple, Fun and EASY Way To Transform Your Love Life NOW!

I’m proud to announce my new program, Make Every Man Want You More that’s GUARANTEED to help you have the healthy and satisfying relationships you deserve.  (more on that guarantee later…)

Since publishing my book, I’ve received thousands of emails from women in all stages of life. Often all it takes to "wake them up" and start a chain reaction of amazing events happening in their life is helping them...

...get it.

That's right. Helping them get one simple, easy-to-understand concept that has the power to profoundly shift the way you experience the rest of your life,

Want to know what it is? Read on, and by the end of this letter, you'll find out the answer.

Here's Why You Need to Know How to
Make Every Man Want You More!

You're successful in every other area of your life,
so why shouldn't you be successful in dating and relationships too?

Look. You’re a smart and capable woman. The reason I know that is because you made it to this web site.

But no matter how smart and capable you are, unless you learn how to dissolve the hidden, mechanical negative relationship behaviors that are holding you back, you will never become the irresistible woman you are meant to be.

Let me ask you a few questions.

  • Are you unsure if you're with the "right guy" for you?

  • Do you feel too shy and timid to initiate a direct conversation with a man, let alone respond flirtatiously?

  • Do you think men aren't attracted to you, or aren't attracted to you in the way you'd like?

  • Have you been unable to meet any men that you're really into or would even consider the possibility of spending a lifetime with?

  • Do you have the same "fights" over and over again?

  • Do you feel like the modern dating world has passed you by... and like you've been left flopping like a fish out of water?

  • Are you wondering if your time has almost run out to meet the right man to raise a family with?

  • Do you and your man have "different interests" and you're not sure how to handle it?

  • Do you get nervous and tense on dates, so that time seems to pass excruciatingly slow, and you just know he won't call back?

  • Do you memorize lists of Do's and Don'ts so that you won't make a mistake, only to find yourself paralyzed in fear of going to do something stupid?

  • Does growing old alone scare you?

If you said "yes" to any of the above, then please keep reading because this may be the most important relationship web site you'll ever visit.


Because you don't have to be confused, frustrated or alone anymore. Really.

The answers are available. Your new life is here - waiting for you.

I've helped thousands of women around the world change their lives and now I want to help YOU too.

Just listen to what Karen, Casey and Paula have to say:

"My God, this course has literally changed my life!"

"Hi Marie and Amy, My God, this course has literally changed my life! I used to worry that I wasn't attractive enough to get “the right” man for me – but now, after listening to this program I'm not even worried about that any more. These guys that I used to pass at work every day are starting to talk to me like I've become someone they actually want to be around. Pitiful, I know, but it sure makes me feel great! So my heartfelt thanks to both of you, and my wishes that you'll both KEEP IT UP!!"
Karen Walker, Lewiston, ID

"I wish I would have learned this sooner!"

"I've always been a really shy, timid sort of person. I hardly ever got asked out by guys and it was actually a good thing, because what would I say? Thanks for pointing out that I need to stop beating myself up for saying something or not saying it. I know I'm not the only woman who's going to benefit from this amazing advice! Not having to be the person I thought I had to be means I relax more ... which, duh, seems to attract people a lot more than being tense and rigid and constantly freaking out about what I should say/do/wear etc. I wish I'd have learned this sooner!"
Casey. Lewis, Trenton, NJ

attract men

I'm going to teach you exactly how a small shift of awareness can literally dissolve the old habits and negative ideas that are holding you back from the relationships and life of your dreams.

Look, let's be honest, OK? If doing what you're doing was working, you'd already have the results you want!

But clearly it isn't.

As Einstein said,

“You can never solve a problem from within the same level of consciousness that created the problem.”

That's why you need a new perspective.

You need a new way of looking at dating and relationships so that you can understand exactly where you've been tripping up.

That's where Make Every Man Want You More comes in.

It's six powerful and transformative audio lessons, written transcripts and easy to follow how-to action exercises that will act as YOUR personal relationship "system upgrade."

You'll hear two leading dating and relationship experts explain the core principles of being irresistible in a way that you've never heard before.

Here's a sample of what you'll discover:

tick What to do if you can't let go of that "perfect" guy that you broke up with ... and what it means when you compare every new man to him! Plus, how to finally put that old relationship to rest by using the power of "reframing."
tick Here's how to erase your fears and insecurities about meeting and talking with men as if they never existed! Also, we tell you how to get over shyness with men by redirecting your attention to this very important thing.
tick Why you may feel like you're not "being yourself" when you follow dating advice ... and the instant way to switch on attraction without faking it! Plus, use this attraction switch to immediately "light up" any room!
tick Afraid that showing a man you like him will scare him off? Here's how to find the perfect balance! Also, whether or not you should be a challenge ... and the difference between being "available" and being "desperate"!
tick Have you been attracting the same kind of men over and over again? Here's a clue as to why that might be ... and a way to stop the cycle for good!
tick Ever tried to impress a guy right off the bat and then worried that eventually he'd discover the real you? You need to know this!
tick Want to know how to make your interest in a man clearer? These flirting tips will break the ice and get him interested in a flash! Also, find out if you're the kind of person a man would naturally approach with this test!
tick Sick and tired of awkward silences? Stuck for what to talk about? Here's how to fill each date with animated conversation and keep him intrigued and interested! Plus, we give you an amazing tip to turn those silences into opportunities for a deeper connection.
tick And if you're nervous that you'll say something stupid around men, try these tips to repair the damage and get the conversation flowing again!
tick Are you seeing a guy on and off, but really want to move things along further or just find out where it's going? We give you 3 tips on how to get more committed naturally, without having "The Talk"!

And you'll Discover These Amazing Tips:

tick Feeling pressured by your family or peers? Here's a way to handle those awkward questions about why you're not married yet or why he hasn't proposed.
tick What physical intimacy means to a man, and why you can't afford to ignore it.
tick You'll also learn what it takes to be great in bed, how to handle body issues, and how to "affair-proof" your relationship so that you can guarantee he won't stray.
tick Has the sex dried up with your partner? Here's how to get your sex life back on track, with or without a "headache tonight"!
tick Communication is the key to successful relationships in every area of life, and we tell you how to improve your communication in your relationship so that conflicts and arguments never build up again!
tick Do you get annoyed that your partner always has to be "right?” Here's something you both should know! Plus, ask yourself, what does the "perfect" relationship look like? This analogy might make you laugh!
tick How you can address your man's deepest fear and reassure him that your relationship was made in heaven!

And because I like to keep things simple, we’ve organized the curriculum into easy-to-reference segments that you’ll want to listen to again and again.

Here’s a sample of what you’ll hear:

tick "How to Be Irresistible Now!"
Do you think you need to do a lot of “work” on yourself before you can attract the right man? If so, you've got a BIG surprise awaiting you! Master this single insight in order to become instantly and authentically irresistible ... without having to act like someone you're not!
tick "Essential Dating Tools Every Modern Woman Needs.”
The dating world is changing so fast that following outdated rules will just leave you behind. Learn how to date in the 21st century and what sex, commitment, marriage, dating after divorce and parenthood mean for you today!
tick "4 Keys to Creating Instant Attraction."
What do you do if you're having difficulty meeting men you're attracted to? What are the best ways to make sure you're communicating "single and available" to the right men? Find out the answers here!
tick "How to Authentically Get and Keep His Attention."
Do you feel like guys leave once they get to know the "real" you? Stop hiding behind lists of Do's and Don'ts and start authentically attracting men with these tips!
tick "6 No-Fail Topics to Talk About with Any Man."
If you run out of things to say, rely on these no-fail topics to get break the ice and get to know him better! Plus, find out how to be more flirtatious in your conversation and whether there are any "conversation no-nos" you should avoid.
tick "5 Deadly Dating Mistakes That Turn Men Off."

Worried that you might do something dumb to scare a man off forever? Find out what kind of mistakes really matter so that you can laugh away the mistakes that don't!

tick "Sex: To Wait or Not To Wait, What Sex Means to a Man and 5 Secrets to Being Great in Bed.The intimacy secrets no one ever told you! Find out exactly how sex affects your brain chemistry and your relationship. After listening to this section, your understanding of sex will be never be the same!
tick "How to Keep a Good Thing Going: Relationship Secrets of Happy Couples."Discover these 3 Communication Secrets that will help you get through rough spots in your relationship and come out the other end stronger than before. Also, you'll find out the single most important thing you can do for your man to distinguish yourself from every other woman he's been with

And we're just getting started here...

You'll also discover incredible tips to put an end to the stress and worry of not knowing what to say, how to act, or what to do around men you're attracted to ... without the hassle of memorizing endless Do's and Don'ts!

Make Every Man Want You MORE! just might turn everything you think you know about dating on its head ... and get you the success with men that you've always wanted.

Are you getting excited yet?

There's even more information in this program than can possibly be covered here ... and it will lead you through the tricky situations we ALL come up against in our dating and relationship lives!

Here's What More Women Are Saying About Their
Make Every Man Want You More:

"My whole social life has been completely revitalized…”

"This is just a quick note to explain to any skeptics out there that this is one course that actually does live up to the hype. Everything you've read (as long as it's positive) is 100% TRUE – my whole social life has been completely revitalized since really GETTING what Marie and Amy are talking about! I'm getting asked out on dates by men I'm actually attracted to, how weird is that? They don't run off after the first 2 or 3 dates they're actually still interested in getting to know me. This has never happened to me before!"
-Vivian Muriel, Phoenix, AZ

“I feel so much healthier…”

"Lesson one contains two of the most valuable lessons I’ve ever learned. Hearing what you guys had to say about comparison really shook me up. I hadn't realized how much I was sabotaging my own happiness.  I even sat down and had a serious talk with my soul, and decided give what you guys talk about a go, just live in the moment and engage with my own life. I feel so much healthier! ...It really opened up my eyes to what I was doing to myself. Thank you both so so much!"
Paula Sandsworthy, Arvin, CA

“Wow…that bonus roundtable with Emily blew my socks off!”

"I feel so privileged to have this course.  I've been a fan of you and Marie since way back, but I still had never really got my feet back after the divorce. It really hits you a blow, like your somehow 'disqualified' from being in a relationship. But that bonus roundtable you did with Emily, wow, that just blew my socks off. If she's gone through all that, I can to. I'm not apologizing for myself anymore, it's 'just the facts' on my next date. It's a very freeing sensation!"
-Jean Cook, Baton Rouge, LA

“For the first time EVER I’m not pretending to be someone I’m not…”

"Well for the first time EVER I went out with this guy I liked and didn't feel like I had to pretend to be someone I'm not. Being myself feels a lot better, although a little scarier! I'm so used to being the sort of person I think they'll like, but when you think about it what's the point in dating someone if they don't like the 'real' you? I now know there's no point, so I've stopped doing it. And it feels great when guys actually like the real me. Thanks heaps to both of you!"
-Mary Bradley, Bolton, CT

“Finally…I’m Starting To Live Life for Me!”

“Finally…I’m Starting To Live Life for Me!”
"I've always had a problem with attracting the wrong sorts of guys, not men in general, just never the ones that I actually want. You're so right about how you start feeling the pressure to 'make do' to live up to everyone's expectations. I was even in a relationship with this guy I wasn't even attracted to just because I felt as though I must be too picky or something! No more.  Finally I'm starting to live life for me, and I'm starting to totally get what you say about the 'sea of available men' out there!"
-Lisa K., Bennington, VT

attract men

And incase you didn’t know it, my approach to dating and relationships is endorsed by celebrities like Kelly Ripa, successful business women like Kendra Todd, Winner of Season Three of The Apprentice, and best selling author and relationship expert Gay Hendricks. Take a look!

Kelly Ripa

"Make Every Man Want You gives every woman the tools she needs to unlock her inner-magnet!"

-Kelly Ripa, Actress, Television Host of LIVE with Regis and Kelly


Kendra Todd

“Finally...someone is teaching how developing an authentic relationship with your SELF is the core root of having great relationships with others. The concepts shared in Make Every Man Want You have helped me create a more positive, powerful self-awareness that immediately and noticeably changed the dynamics of my personal relationships!”

- Kendra Todd, Winner of The Apprentice, Best Selling Author of Risk & Grow Rich and Host of HGTV’s My House Is Worth What?

Hendricks “Make Every Man Want You is a must read for any woman who wants to awaken her most conscious, irresistible self!  Marie provides a simple roadmap to enlightened relationships and delivers it a brilliantly funny and accessible way.”
- Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., Author of Five Wishes and co-author, with Kathlyn Hendricks, of Conscious Loving

Here’s the bottom line:  The old school approach of dating tricks, techniques and manipulation is over.

And while we’re at it, you don’t need any man “psychology” either.

What you need is a fresh and proven system that works for real women like you and me who are interested in HONEST and MAGICAL relationships.

Trust me. This is the healthy, aliveness-based approach to happy relationships you’ve been waiting for.

The Relationship Answers You've Been Searching For Are Just Moments Away!

The ideas you’ll learn in this groundbreaking audio program are very simple and easy to implement, once you’re aware of them.

But the first step in any transformation is AWARENESS.  You’ve got to become aware of what you’re doing right now that’s not working before you can start doing what does.

Unfortunately, I’ve found that most women have NO IDEA that many of their normal and traditional ways of relating completely damage their ability to have happy relationships. 

That’s exactly why I’ve created this program.

All you need to do is simply listen to the audio lessons.  Implement a few of our action ideas. Before the end of the first track, you'll discover the relationship and life you dream of is much closer than you think.

And by the end of the course you won’t believe the difference!

Simply by absorbing these powerful concepts, you’ll be living an entirely new and exciting lifestyle beyond what you could ever imagine.

Here’s What You’ll Get With Our Brand New Program!

When you come onboard with Make Every Man Want You More, you’ll gain instant access to our private member’s area.  You can download all your transformational materials in just minutes!

Make Every Man Want You More

Six Powerful And Transformative Audio Coaching Lessons from Marie
and her co-host Amy Waterman!

At $500 per hour, my coaching time is at a high premium.  But with this program you can access hours of the same life changing advice I share with my private VIP clients for just a fraction of the cost.   You can listen to these powerful coaching sessions from your computer, burn them to a CD to take in your car, on vacation, to the gym or download to your iPod so you can have coaching and inspiration when you want it most.  Value $2250

The Make Every Man Want You More Workbook and Action Guide

Each audio coaching lesson is transcribed so you can read along and highlight the sections that really resonate for you.  We’ve also created special “how-to action exercises” for each lesson to help you quickly implement the wisdom you learn.  And it gets even better - we’ve included our favorite inspirational quotes to help you stay centered and on track! Value $447

Now, I’d be crazy to guarantee your success without giving you all the resources you'll need to support you every step of the way.

So to make sure really transform relationships and your life, I've put together some very special bonuses.

“How To Create A Magical Relationship”

Audio Lesson and Transcript with Marie and Award Winning Authors Ariel and Shya Kane
(Value $127)

photoWhen it comes to relationships, Ariel and Shya Kane are living masters.
Married for more than 20 years and relationship coaches for nearly two decades, the Kanes recently won the 2007 Nautilus Book Award in the category of Relationships/Men & Women's Issues for their book, How to Create a Magical Relationship. Dr. Maryel McKinley of Awareness Magazine states, "Years of therapy cannot touch what the Kanes can do in minutes...10 stars for this outstanding work."

In this outstanding, 60 minute interview with Marie and Ariel and Shya you’ll discover:

  • Three simple ideas that can transform any relationship in an instant
  • Why you need to stop “working on yourself” and your relationships if you want to the true love you deserve
  • The unconventional concepts that will make a HUGE difference in your life - fast
  • The most important skills you need for long term happiness in relationships and life

Plus much, much more.  There are so many “pearls of wisdom” in this interview that I honestly think you’ll be listening to this one again and again.

“How To Overcome Any Dating Obstacle”
Audio Lesson and Transcript with Marie, Amy Waterman and Emily McKay
(Value $127)

photoEmily McKay, along with her husband Scot, hosts the highly popular "X & Y On The Fly" podcast series. She brings a wealth of wisdom, experience, and positive personal energy to the online dating and relationships field. Having been a single mother who bounced back from divorce and met her Mr. Right for a fairytale wedding and lasting love, she now shares her wisdom through personalized coaching sessions and her monthly Power Sessions for Women program that teaches women to "deserve what they want."

In this roundtable discussion with Marie Forleo and co-host Amy Waterman, Emily discusses what it takes to overcome ANY dating obstacle, such as:

  • Dating as a single parent.
  • Dating tips for women in their 50s, 60s and beyond.
  • How to successfully jump back into the dating pool after divorce.
  • What to do if you're hearing your biological clock ticking loudly. 

Emily is a bright and compassionate woman with wisdom you don’t want to miss!

Total Value: $2951

Total Cost: Way Less!

“OK Marie, I’m Ready!”

As I’m sure you’ve gathered, it’s taken me a long time to learn, refine and distill all the wisdom you’re about to discover in this program. 

In fact, I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars and over 7 years of my life researching, testing and organizing everything I’m about to share.  And yes, there was some frustration and heartache along the way.

But here’s the good news.  It doesn’t have to take YOU years of frustration and heartache or cost you tens of thousands of dollars.

That’s the benefit of standing on the shoulders of people who have already done what you want to do!  Why “re-invent the wheel” when you don’t have to?

We’ve put this all together for you in a simple, organized and easy-to- access format so you can start getting results right now.

And while the total value of the program is near $3000, don't worry.
Because it's not $3000.  Or $1,000.   It's not even $500.

Make Every Man Want You More gives you results and wisdom that you'll enjoy for the rest of your life for just $297.97

STOP! Special Offer

you can get the complete Make Every Man Want You More Audio Course plus the free bonuses for just $167 ...

My colleagues are kickin’ me for offering this much value at such a low price but you know what?  I told them to just settle down.

Why? Because I want every woman around the world who is truly committed to having success in her relationships to be able to afford this program.

And if you’re questioning whether or not YOU and your relationships  are worth $167, then quite honestly, this may not be the right program for you.

You see, I’m only interested in working with women who are willing to take fully responsibility for the quality of their relationships and their lives. 

That includes recognizing that in order have success in an area, you must invest in YOURSELF.

Because here’s the reality you need face.

You will wind up buying something.   Most women make the mistake of carelessly throwing away money on daily lattes, clothes they’ll never wear or other “quick fixes” that have no long-term value.

Take a look for yourself.  What’s worth more to you?

Buying more new clothes to try to look more attractive; trying yet another diet plan to get the body you think you need ... or discovering the secret attraction switch inside yourself that can make you radiate beauty and irresistibility for the rest of your life?

It's really up to you.

You can either keep trying to "fix" everything that you think is wrong with yourself, or you can experience the complete mind-blowing transformation guaranteed to you simply by listening to the Make Every Man Want You More program.

And trust me, I know how skeptical you may be.  I’ve made some big promises.   And yes, they are all real.

The reason why I make such promises is because I’ve had the benefit of already seeing thousands of women around the world transform their lives with this wisdom.
But, to put you completely at ease…

You Can Start Listening to Our Program Right Now
100% Risk FREE

If you allow it to, the information in this audio program will shift the quality of your life forever. Really.

Within the next few minutes you can begin living the life that up until now – was only a dream. The only catch is that you have to take action.  Right now, the choice is in your hands.

You’re either going to step up, invest in YOU and take responsibility for your happiness OR you’re going to say “I really can’t right now…” and continue to suffer in quiet desperation.

My guess is that since you’re still reading, you’re a woman who’s ready to step into your greatness and do what it takes to claim the loving and satisfying relationships you deserve.

And believe me. I understand how scary it can be to step ahead in a new, positive direction.

That’s why I’ve made this program 100% risk free for any woman who is truly committed to becoming happy and successful in her relationships.

Make Every Man Want You More is 100% Guaranteed to Work!

100% Satisfaction GuaranteedYour Make Every Man Want You More! Purchase is fully covered by a personal, risk-free, No Questions Asked 8-Week 100% Money-Back GUARANTEE if you are not satisfied for any reason or if it doesn't live up to your expectations.

That's right! Take up to 56 days to examine and use our information, tips and techniques. Once you have used the strategies, I'm confident that you'll NEVER want to send it back!

What If I've Never Ordered Something Online Before?

Even if you've never ordered something online before, we’ve made it so easy!
Simply click the Order link further down the page, and you'll be taken to Clickbank, our SECURE online retailer. With Clickbank, your purchase bears the BBB reliability seal, so that you can purchase with confidence and security.

Then you'll be taken straight to our private Members Area, where you can start listening to the audio tracks or reading through the course right away.

No Shipping, No Waiting!

You can download the audio tracks to your computer to listen to them any time. Burn them to a CD or put them on your iPod to listen to in the car, in the gym, or wherever you want to feel inspired.

Plus, review the course material at any time with the official Make Every Man Want You More workbook. Download it, print it out, and work through the Irresistible Action Challenges, which will help you put this wisdom directly into practice.

So let’s wrap this up!

Once you enter our members area, you’ll receive


Six Transformational Relationship Audio Coaching Lessons
With Marie Forleo and Co-host Amy Waterman

Here’s where you’ll learn proven and mind blowing wisdom that’s guaranteed to transform your love life forever.  Remember, we broke our information down into six easy to absorb lessons that you’ll want to listen to again and again!  You’ll hear live answers from real women just like YOU.
Our curriculum includes

  • How to Be Irresistible Now!
  • The Essential Dating Tools Every Woman Needs.
  • Keys to Creating Instant Attraction & How to Get and Keep His Attention
  • No-Fail Topics to Talk about with Any Man & 5 Deadly Dating Mistakes that Turn Men Off
  • Sex: To Wait or Not To Wait, What Sex Means to a Man, & 5 Secrets to Being Great in Bed, and
  • How to Keep a Good Thing Going: Relationship Secrets of Happy Couples

(Available in online audio and MP3 formats)


Your Official “Make Every Man Want You More”
Workbook and Action Guide

This is your entire coaching program in written format.  To really master a topic, it’s best to absorb it by both listening and reading.  We’ve even taken it one step further so you can experience the wisdom with our action challenges. 
In your 125 page downloadable PDF workbook, you’ll receive

  • Each Audio Coaching Lesson in Written Format
  • Irresistible Action Challenges to help you put this wisdom directly into practice
  • Quotable Quotes
  • Recommended Reading

(Available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format)


Bonus Audio Coaching Session and Transcript with Marie Forleo
And Ariel and Shya Kane (value $127)


Ariel and Shya Kane are living masters when it comes to the Art of Relating.  This one audio alone can dramatically transform the rest of your life.  Words cannot express just how powerful and profound this material is. I guarantee you’ll listen to this one again and again.  Some of the ideas you’ll discover are:

  • 3 Simple Ideas That Can Transform Your Relationship in an Instant!
  • Why “working on your relationship” is a deadly mistake and how to stop it now
  • 4 Power tools to keep your love alive forever
  • The “unconventional” relationship wisdom you need to know
  • The most important skills you need for long term happiness in love and life


Bonus Audio Rountable Session and Transcript with Marie Forleo,
Amy Waterman and Emily McKay (Value $127)


Emily McKay, along with her husband Scot, hosts the highly popular "X & Y On The Fly" and "Online Dating Profile Rating" podcast series. Having been a single mother who bounced back from divorce and met her Mr. Right for a fairytale wedding and lasting love, she now shares her wisdom through personalized coaching sessions and her monthly Power Sessions for Women program. In this 45-minute roundtable discussion with Marie Forleo and co-host Amy Waterman, Emily discusses what it takes to overcome ANY dating obstacle, such as:

  • Dating as a single parent.
  • Dating tips for women in their 50s, 60s and beyond.
  • How to successfully jump back into the dating pool after divorce.
  • What to do if you're hearing your biological clock ticking loudly. 

So are you ready download your copy of Make Every Man Want You More to gain the confidence and knowledge of how to attract men and keep them forever craving more?
You'll be astonished at the results. And that's a promise!


YES Marie! I Want To Dramatically Improve
My Success With Men Today with

"Make Every Man Want You MORE!"

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To your dating and relationship success!

Marie Forleo
Creator of Make Every Man Want You More
(Co-hosted by Amy Waterman)

P.S. Do you know the secret we’ve been talking about that can transform your life? If you haven't guessed already, it’s the lifestyle of "living in the moment."  Authors from Eckhart Tolle to Wayne Dyer have discussed this concept in relation to living an excellent life, but rarely has it been applied to the dating and relationship world ... until now!   (and don’t let the apparent simplicity of this concept deceive you! )

P.P.S. Keep in mind, if Make Every Man Want You More doesn't skyrocket your success with men by as much as you expect, you can take advantage of our 100% Total Satisfaction, No Questions Asked Guarantee -- that's how much we believe in what we do and more importantly, what this course will do for YOU!

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