Are You New To Affiliate Marketing?

Thanks for registering your interest in becoming an affiliate of 000Relationships. We are committed to becoming the ultimate resource to attract beautiful women and to attract fantastic men.

Our products convert well, and as an affiliate you will receive a generous 75% commission for every sale you refer.

You will have noticed by now that we have an Affiliate Resource Center that is full of quality information to assist you in the marketing of our "How To Be Irresistible" courses, and includes an array of affiliate images, banner ads and email promotions. In addition to this, we will be able to email you about exciting updates in our course and what is going on here at 000Relationships.

If you need to get back into the affiliate resource area to take advantage of our affiliate material, you can do so by logging in at:

In the meantime, as a new affiliate you will realize there is a lot to learn. In one instant you are introduced to a world of new words and phrases including referrals, hoplinks, affiliates, tracking code, conversions, cookies and commissions.

What is a "hoplink?"

For an affiliate to earn credit for a sale, the customer must first follow a ClickBank hoplink from your site. The link takes the customer to our sales page, and automatically credits the affiliate with that referral. If the customer makes a purchase from our sales page, you get commission on that sale. A hoplink lets ClickBank and us know where the customer came from so you can get the credit for the sale.

We have a number of hoplink generators on our affiliate pages that will help you make a hoplink and place it on your site.

What are conversions?

A conversion is the term used for a customer that you have referred to our site who has decided to purchase. For example, if you refer 100 customers to our site and 3 make a purchase, you could say you have had 3 conversions, or a conversion rate of 3%. A conversion is a sale made by one of the customers you sent to us.

How long does my referral last for, or how long does my customer have to purchase for me to get credit?

After your customer has been referred to our site, you will earn commission of that customer makes a purchase from us within 60 days.

What is my tracking code?

If you have a Google Adwords campaign, you will have a tracking code that you can place on other people's websites to monitor how many customers are going to our site and purchasing. Let us know what your tracking code is, and we will add it to our site so you can track your conversions.

How do I add my tracking code?

Once you get your tracking code, which is a 10-digit code, you can email it to us. We will do the rest.

How do I find out more?

There is much more for you to learn, and ClickBank has some great Frequently Asked Questions sections to help affiliates like you understand more about marketing.

You can check out more questions about affiliates here.

And you can check out more questions about hoplinks here.


Increasing Your Conversions

There are a number of ways that you can increase your conversion rate and even increase it to 3 or 3.5%. One way of doing this is looking at the keywords you are using and tracking their conversions. Another way we have managed to bring the conversion rate up is to look at the countries you are targeting in your campaigns. Some countries have lots of searches, such as the Phillipines for instance, but really poor conversion rates. You should target your campaigns at countries with high conversions. These countries include:

- US
- UK
- Canada
- Australia
- Singapore
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- France
- Norway
- Italy
- Ireland
- Finland
- Hong Kong
- Denmark
- Chile
- Switzerland
- Austria

If you have a Google Adwords campaign, we can attach your Google conversion tracking code to our site so you can track your conversions and get an accurate idea of which keywords sell well for you and which don't. Let us know what it is and I will get one of our tech support staff to add it. We are happy to help you where we can.


How Do I Learn More About Being An Affiliate?

If you want a truly fantastic program on boosting your income from affiliate programs, why not check out Affilorama? It's THE BEST Affiliate Marketing Program on the internet. I should know - I'm a guest on some of the lessons! What I've learned has helped make the 000Relationships Network more affiliate-friendly, and you should check out what Super Affiliate Mark Ling has to share with you, too. It could be worth thousands -- or even millions. You owe it to yourself to check it out. Find out more at:

Are you sick and tired of all the BS on the internet about how to make money online?

Product after product promoting that you'll make $1000 a day in less than a month and stuff like that?

Well who isn't?

What you need is a step-by-step system, using video lessons that show you in front of your eyes what actually works. No hype, no bull. Just what works, and how you can replicate it for yourself.

Affilorama, a step-by-step guide which shows you how to make money online from affiliate programs was created by Mark Ling, a super affiliate who is making over $1 million a year from affiliate programs. More importantly though, he's used his knowledge to help his family (his dad and cousin) and his friends to make a full time living online by replicating his system.

Now he has decided to release this information to the general public. It's in the form of step-by-step video lessons. Plus written notes. And not only that, there is hand holding as well! He's there almost every single day on the forum, along with other members of Affilorama, they are all there to make sure you succeed.

Now isn't that a nice change? A person who teaches you how to make money online that ACTUALLY cares about YOU!

If you want more information - there is a LOT of it on his homepage - visit Affilorama.

P.S. Oh, and there is a fantastic 6 part e-course right there. It shows you a lot of step-by-step information about how to make money online, so you can see that this is not BS. You can see for yourself if you like Mark's teaching style.

P.P.S. BTW, that 6 part course I mentioned above, it's FREE!


What Other Products Can I Promote?

If you want to double, triple, or quadruple your income from affiliate programs, you may be interested in promoting more of our great products! Why stop at one?

As you should already know, "How to Be Irresistible to Men" and "How to Be Irresistible to Women" are part of the 000Relationships Network. Our extensive line of relationship-oriented products can be found at:

All of our e-books and multimedia courses offer a 75% commission rate and convert extremely well compared to their competitors. We pride ourselves in producing the best relationship-oriented courses on the market, with high standards of customer service and extraordinarily high value for money. Best of all, we update our products regularly so that customers feel connected and supported well after their original purchase date.

You can also be proud to affiliate with products in the 000Relationships Network. Here's a list of some of our other
products you might like to promote.

Learn How to Seduce a Man with "Seduction Genie"

This is one of the most exciting, fun, how-to-attract-men books on the internet! Seduction Genie is lavishly illustrated and packed with literally hundreds of completely practical, step-by-step tips. If you get bored with most e-books, you'll be pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable and fun-to-read Seduction Genie can be. Plus, you will start immediately transforming your appearance, attitude, and actions to become that tantalizing seductress that all men desire.

Become an Affiliate at

Discover the Secrets of Delectable Kissing with "Kissing 101"

Are you stressed about whether or not you are a good kisser? Have you wanted to get better at kissing but don't know where to go or who to ask? Are you too embarrassed or self conscious to ask your friends? Well, this fantastic, fully-illustrated book written by Michelle Penney details every last thing you ever wanted about kissing, plus some tips and techniques to transform your kissing style from ordinary into mind-blowing! This is the kissing manual for anyone who's ever wanted to become a better kisser.

Become an Affiliate at

If Your Marriage is in Crisis, Save It with "Save My Marriage Today"

Sometimes the person you want to attract the most isn't that handsome or beautiful stranger. It is your own spouse. When marriages struggle, both partners can feel alone and as if they have no one to turn to. Save My Marriage Today! can be a lifeline. Even if your partner no longer wants to work on your marriage, this two-volume set will teach you how you can bring your marriage back from the verge of divorce.

Become an Affiliate at

End the Agony of Not Knowing with "How to Catch a Cheating Spouse"

No marriage is immune from the temptation of infidelity. If you suspect that your partner is having an affair, don't panic. This package will teach you exactly the steps you need to go through to verify that an affair is occurring before you falsely confront your partner or give them the chance to lie to you even further. Get the facts. Get How to Catch a Cheating Spouse.

Become an Affiliate at


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